Flooded Basement Sewer Backup Cleanup Newport RI

Newport Flooded Basement Cleanup

Newport RI Flooded Basement Cleanup Service

Basement flooding happens. Some people might never have to deal with the stress and aggravation of a flooded basement, some might have it happen to them only once, and for others, it seems like a regularly occurring event. Regardless of which of those categories you fall into, knowing how to handle a flooded basement and the dangers it can bring is something every homeowner should be aware of.

seeping carpetBasements can flood for various reasons. A sewer back-up, a broken pipe or other plumbing issue, a malfunctioning sump pump or even just some severe weather can all cause a basement to flood. For the homeowner, while the cause certainly does matter, the immediate need to deal with the flooded basement tends to take priority. If it doesn’t, it should, because that flooded basement can cause a lot of damage, not only to the personal belongings it may soak, but to the structure of the home. A flooded basement is not something a homeowner should try to deal with on their own unless they are experienced in such matters.

There are multiple issues to consider when dealing with a flooded basement. Extracting the water and drying the area thoroughly tend to be on top of the list and trying to remove the water yourself using a shop vac and some fans is going to be tedious and time consuming. Then there is the issue of trying to locate the cause of the water problem. Sometimes, as in cases of sewer back-ups and severe weather, the cause is an obvious one, other times, such as plumbing issues might not be so easy to ascertain. Finally, repairs must be made and measures taken when possible to avoid future basement flooding. Very few homeowners have the knowledge, experience and time to do all of these things themselves, so finding a qualified expert is really the most reasonable course of action.

As a leading disaster recovery contractor we provide the following services property owners: repairs from storm damage,  fire damage and flooding cleanup

Disaster Pros of Newport, Rhode Island is your local basement flooding professional. We have been helping homeowners deal with their flooded basements for more than 30 years and customer satisfaction is our number one priority. That policy and our best price guarantee have helped us earn and maintain an “A” rating with the Better Business Bureau. The quality of our work and our business practices has helped us become a FEMA approved contractor. We don’t consider any job complete until you, our customer is completely satisfied. We have the largest fleet of trucks in the industry and all of our technicians are IICRC certified and specially trained an educated in basement flooding remediation and repair. Typically within an hour of your call, one of our technicians will arrive in a fully equipped truck ready to begin the process of dealing with your flooded basement. We begin by extracting the water and drying the area, then if we were unable to assess the cause of your basement flooding before extracting the water, we will do so after water extraction and drying. Once the cause has been determined, we will make the necessary repairs and provide the homeowner with options to prevent future occurrences if at all possible. At our content restoration facility we have technicians who will work diligently to repair and restore any damaged personal items such as photographs, family heirlooms and important documents.


We understand that when such tragic events occur, you want someone to help on your schedule, so we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve your basement flooding needs. We also will work with your insurance company throughout the process making sure they are aware of all necessary repairs for your claim.If you have a flooded basement, don’t delay, call We today and allow us to help you.

Resources for property owners in the Newport region:

State of Rhode Island
National Hurricane Center

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