Is It Hard to Clean Black Mold That Grows on Wood Surfaces?
Having water damage or mold troubles? Don’t fret; it’s nothing out of the ordinary. Mold spores are always in the air looking for suitable hyphae to land on. Wood being a good moisture absorber can be excellent hyphae, especially if it has the right amount of warmth.
The mold spores will easily be attracted to such wood and foster the growth of molds – after a while, you’ll notice them when you have a full-blown invasion. There are, however, ways you can easily remove black molds on wood surfaces. The intensity of it will depend on the gravity of the damage. This article highlights various ways you can remove molds from wood surfaces.
How to Remove Molds from Wood Surfaces
Here is the moment of truth – cleaning off black molds from wood surfaces has several routes to the same destination. This means you can use different types of cleaning agents to remove molds. The steps pretty much stay the same. With that said, let’s delve right into a step-by-step guide to removing mold from wood.
Take Precautionary Measures
It’s important to start by wearing protective gear while cleaning, as molds can be dangerous when ingested. Use gloves and a face mask that covers your face adequately.
Before any step commences, you’ll first vacuum the furniture. A good HEPA vacuum cleaner can clear out any mold spores and other substances on the surface of the wood. Once you trap the mold spores and dirt into the vacuum, empty the vacuum dirt outside into a plastic bag, then seal it.
Exposing the Wood to Sunlight
Depending on how deep the molds have penetrated the wood, it’s wise to start by exposing the wood to direct sunlight. Exposing it to sunlight will remove the dampness, darkness, and the warmth molds require for growth. Take the furniture out after the dew has evaporated to avoid dampening the wood further. Get the furniture out after sunset when temperatures are low.
Removing Molds with Vodka
If exposing it to sunlight didn’t do the trick, you can go on to wash it, but even before that, spray vodka on the furniture and leave it to dry. It is a mold prevention method that works. Spray it with vodka, then expose the furniture to direct sunlight. Make sure it dries before bringing it back.
Using Cleaning Detergents
You can now clean the wood surface to eradicate the molds. There are several cleaning detergents you can use depending on the gravity of the damage. They include a combination of dishwashing detergent and water, vinegar and warm water, a tablespoon of borax, and a cup of water.
When one combination fails, you quickly jump to the next one until you get rid of the mold. All three combinations involve applying the solution, waiting for it to soak, then wiping off or scrubbing the mold off.
Finish off with Sanding
There are usually stubborn traces of mold still hanging on even after cleaning. Sanding can help here. With a 100 grit sander, you can easily rub the affected area to remove them. Repeat the process to remove dust and loosen more mold spores.